
Media Credentials

Thank you for joining us and sharing news out of SIGGRAPH 2022! Questions regarding media registration status, images, or conference contributors can be directed to the Marketing and Media team at

Media Registration

Media Credentials Hero Image

What Does Your Media Registration Include?
Media registration entitles you to everything included in the Full Conference registration, including full access to conference programming 6-10 August in Los Angeles and virtually until 9 September.

The following programs are not included and require separate registration or purchase: Electronic Theater press tickets (in-person and virtual showings), VR Theater Press Showing tickets, receptions, and conference merchandise. Contact if interested in learning more about these additional opportunities.

Supporting Documentation
Media are required to submit supporting documentation along with their request to attend and cover SIGGRAPH 2023. Supporting documentation must be emailed to in order to be approved to cover SIGGRAPH 2023 as media. Questions about what to submit? See below media supporting documentation guidelines.


Print Media | Periodicals, Newspapers, Weeklies, and Magazines

Writers, editors, and contributors to print media must provide a business card that clearly displays your name and your publication/company; a current masthead that clearly displays your name and your publication/company; or a link to your profile on the public website for your publication/company. They also must provide three industry-related bylined articles published within the last 12 months or a signed letter of assignment from the representing media organization.

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News Wire | News Management Services

Writers, editors, and contributors to news wire or news management services must provide a business card that clearly displays their organization and their name; a current masthead that clearly displays their organization’s and their name; or a link to their profile on the media outlet’s public website. They also must provide three industry-related bylined articles published within the last 12 months or a signed letter of assignment from the representing media organization.

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Broadcast Media | Radio and Television

Broadcast media professionals must provide a business card that clearly displays their organization’s and their name; a current masthead that clearly displays their organization’s and their name; or a link to their profile on the media outlet’s public website. They also must provide three industry-related radio or television segments aired within the last 12 months or a signed letter of assignment from the representing media organization.

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Online Media and Freelance Journalists

Online media and freelance journalists must provide a business card that clearly displays their organization’s and their name; a current masthead that clearly displays their organization’s and their name; or a link to their profile on the media outlet’s public website. They also must provide three industry-related bylined articles published within the last 12 months or a signed letter of assignment from the representing media organization.

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Podcasts and Blogs

Contributors to and producers of podcasts and blogs must provide a link to the podcast or blog that contains content directly related to the industries covered at SIGGRAPH 2023 and/or any previous SIGGRAPH conference coverage if previously attended. (Note: Personal podcasts and blogs will not be accepted.) They also must provide three industry-related podcasts or blogs from an established media outlet published within the last 12 months or a signed letter of assignment from the representing media organization.

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Analysts must provide a business card that clearly displays their organization’s and their name or a current masthead that clearly displays their organization’s and their name. They also must supply two white papers or analytical product reviews published within the last 12 months or a signed letter of assignment from the representing media organization.

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Digital/Social Influencer | Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, Facebook Gaming, Mixer, TikTok, and More

Influencer channels must meet minimum follower and/or video view count requirements. Content provided should include original, current (within past three months) work relating to interactive entertainment, computer graphics, or science industry news (tips, cheats, and walkthroughs are acceptable). Creators must provide links to the official channel or account that would cover SIGGRAPH 2023 as well as proof of assignment and/or three related posts or videos spotlighting relevant coverage.

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