Enriching Interactions

Immersive Pavilion

Immersive technologies enrich the way we interact in the social, professional, and personal spheres of our lives while offering daring and unique solutions for wicked problems. Celebrate the exciting evolution of AR, VR, and MR, and connect the dots between past, present, and future advancements in the Immersive Pavilion.

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View the Immersive and VR Theater Presentation Content

Immersive Pavilion Hero Image

The SIGGRAPH 2023 Immersive Pavilion gathers outstanding content in virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, and beyond! This year’s in-person event is a place for contributors and participants to engage in critical discourse on the latest interactive breakthroughs and support for hybrid environments. The Immersive Pavilion seeks submissions with these criteria in mind. First, experiential content is non-narrative based. This includes interactive techniques that solve pragmatic needs for productivity, development, and design challenges — all of which are encouraged. But it also includes social experiences, games, and artistic expression. Second, the Immersive Pavilion is platform-agnostic and can include augmented, virtual, and mixed reality; interactive projection mapping; or multi-sensory installations, among others.

Finally, this year, we seek work that reflects the exciting evolution of AR, VR, and MR, particularly in terms of interaction, showing their unique features, and how they are shaping the future of our lives.

SIGGRAPH recognizes that diverse contributions stem from academic, professional, and independent fronts, awarding Best in Show and publishing abstracts in the ACM Digital Library.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
SIGGRAPH prioritizes conversations and industry contributions that spotlight how diversity, equity, and inclusion makes our communities, industries, and teams stronger. Conference programs provide a safe place to grow, discuss, and learn from one another and to bridge boundaries with the goal of making our community more inclusive and accessible to all. ACM SIGGRAPH encourages submissions that spotlight DEI content across every SIGGRAPH program.

Note: Submissions for the Immersive Pavilion are currently closed.


How To Submit

SIGGRAPH 2023 will gather in person in Los Angeles. We look forward to celebrating 50 years of advancements in computer graphics and interactive techniques and are excited that you are considering submitting your work for consideration.

Before Submitting

Before you prepare a proposal, please carefully review these topics of interest for the SIGGRAPH 2023’ Immersive Pavilion.

Virtual, augmented, and mixed reality in areas of gaming, art, education, productivity, communication, science, healthcare, and research.

Artistic and technology installations and demonstrations, especially those that emphasize connection, co-presence, and multi-sensory techniques.

Practical applications using immersive techniques including, but not limited to, education, visualization, or training.

The Immersive Pavilion is seeking content-driven and interactive projects that:

  • Demonstrate a unique type of interactive and/or immersive experience.
  • Utilize the latest technology in immersive environments. For example, wireless, untethered, head-mounted displays for AR or VR; projection mapping interfaces combined with gestural and real-time eye tracking within an augmented or virtual environment; etc.
  • Influence our day-to-day lives as practical applications or creative tools, or improve our relationships with each other and the world around us.
  • Can be experienced concurrently by multiple persons, either co-located or remotely.


Log into the submission portal, select the “Make a New Submission” tab, select ”General Submissions,” and then select “Immersive Pavilion” under “Presentation Formats.” To see the information you need to submit, view the sample submission form.

Please note that all Emerging Technologies, Immersive Pavilion, and Labs presentations will be juried together, and the jury makes a final determination in which program the submission best fits.

With your submission, please be aware of these fields:

  • Contributor information. Full names of primary content creators/presenters. (Please note: Each contributor must be identified with their full name, affiliation, and a unique email address. Duplicate email addresses within a submission are not allowed.)
  • Title, a 50-word description of your project that we can use in promotional materials if your work is accepted, running length, genre.
  • Final representative image (.jpg, .jpeg, .png), with up to five additional images.
  • A two-page abstract. This is a document that outlines what SIGGRAPH 2023 participants will experience. A good abstract serves as an overview of your submission, provides background information, and highlights the novelty of your submission. See Author Instructions for more information. Please prepare your abstract using these templates and instructions.
  • A floor plan. This should include size, space, and environmental requirements to display your work on-site. Please indicate where you would like to place tables, chairs, your installation space, lighting requirements, and any equipment that needs to be suspended above the floor. It is important to label the plan with dimensions, and you may use whichever unit of length you are comfortable with (meters or feet). Please keep in mind that the standard area for each selected work is 10 x 10 feet, and we recommend fitting your presentation within this area. SIGGRAPH 2023 will provide some standardized support and services for your demonstration and will connect you to the appropriate vendors to include tools and support beyond the standardized offerings. The contributors are responsible for bringing the hardware needed for the experience demonstration.
  • A logistics plan. This plan further describes requirements for your proposed installation. Important details must include unique staging and handling concerns, time required to set up, diagrams for space utilization (including any overhead requirements, such as clearances or hanging suspensions), number of people required to set up and/or present, dependence on radio/wireless control elements, or any other aspects of your demo, including how loud the demo is. If in doubt, no detail is too small to include here for conference planners. Remember: If your proposal is accepted, your installation must be presented for the duration of the conference (five days, all day), so please ensure you include chairs for each presenter in your group in the space layout.
  • Video to be evaluated. Make sure that the video submitted represents the entirety of your experience.
  • Optional application executable files, and optional trailer. Please specify the minimum specs of the hardware(s) required to run your files (e.g., VR headset model).
  • Website and URL for conference publicity and media/participant inquiries.

Finally, if you are hosting application file(s), please supply the link, login credentials, product key, or coupon information. Please be sure these credentials can be used by more than one person. If you need to supply a unique code per person, providing 15 credential codes is recommended to ensure the entire jury and SIGGRAPH committee can review your work.

For additional submission information, see the Submission FAQ.

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A jury of experts from diverse backgrounds will select the top-rated submissions for presentation at SIGGRAPH 2023.

Submissions will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Innovative: Does the experience utilize new technologies, processes, and research from the past 12 months? Does it push the boundaries of creativity?
  • Immersion: Is the submission able to engage and immerse a participant or multiple participants in an experience? Does the installation, demonstration, or performance inspire awe?
  • Interactivity: Does the installation, demonstration, or performance require audience participation? How intuitive is the interactivity?
  • Utility: Does the project demonstrate a use of immersive technology in a way that enhances or benefits an existing workflow or process?
  • Collaborative: Will multiple people be able to participate at the same time? Does each participant have an active role?

All submitters will be notified of their submission status: accepted, conditionally accepted, or rejected.

Non-Disclosure Agreements
SIGGRAPH reviewers cannot sign non-disclosure agreements for submissions. For information on patents and confidentiality, see the Submission FAQ.

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Upon Acceptance

You will be notified of acceptance or rejection around early May 2023.

Upon acceptance, the submission portal will allow you to update basic information about your work and upload any final materials for inclusion on the website. You will receive information about how to submit final versions of your accepted work and the deadlines for final updates.

If your submission is accepted, you can prepare and submit a revised abstract for inclusion in the ACM Digital Library (two pages maximum). This abstract must be submitted by 26 May 2023. Please prepare your abstract using these templates and instructions.

You also will receive an email from “rightsreview@acm.org” with a link to your work’s rights form within 72 hours of notification of acceptance of your work to the conference. When your rights form has been delivered to ACM, you will then receive an email from “tapsadmin@aptaracorp.awsapps.com” with information about the preparation and delivery of your material to TAPS for publication.

Please make sure that emails from “rightsreview@acm.org” and “tapsadmin@aptaracorp.awsapps.com” are part of the “allow list” in your email program so that you do not miss these email messages.

The source (Word or LaTeX) of your abstract, as well as any supplemental materials, must be delivered to TAPS, ACM’s article production system. TAPS will generate the PDF and HTML5 versions of your abstract for publication in the ACM Digital Library. The TAPS-generated PDF of your abstract must be no more than two pages in length, including references.

You must deliver your material to TAPS, resolve any formatting issues identified by TAPS or by the proceedings production editor, and approve your material for publication by 26 May 2023. If you cannot meet that deadline, you will not be allowed to present your material at SIGGRAPH 2023.

Information about the preparation and delivery of your final material to TAPS also can be found at https://homes.cs.washington.edu/~spencer/taps/taps.html.

In-Person Experience
If your physical installation is accepted, you are required to:

  • Update your submission information, including the final contributor names, affiliations, and emails (unique emails per contributor are required).
  • Prepare and submit a revised, two-page abstract to TAPS by 26 May 2023.
  • Update your auxiliary images and video (required).
  • Attend in-person at SIGGRAPH 2023 in Los Angeles.

Personnel Support
If your installation is accepted, you are required to have at least one person present at your installation during the published hours of the program to which you are accepted. This is inclusive of staffing your installation during lunch breaks and/or when you may be presenting an Experience Presentation (if applicable). Contributors will be able to take short breaks throughout the day.

Travel support is not provided. Limited conference registration is available for selected installation contributors.

Booth Staffing for Physical Installations Is Required for the Following Conference Hours:

Sunday, 6 August, 1:30–5 pm
Monday, 7 August, 11 am–5 pm
Tuesday, 8 August, 11 am–5 pm
Wednesday, 9 August, 11 am–5 pm
Thursday, 10 August, 11 am–3:30 pm

What’s Provided by SIGGRAPH for Your Installation Space
SIGGRAPH strives to support accepted contributors and artists with the display of installations at the conference. At a base level, SIGGRAPH will provide:

  • 8’ high black drape on three (3) sides of installation space
  • 6’L x 30”H black-skirted table
  • Two (2) Chairs
  • Wastebasket
  • Two (2) 20 AMP Outlet

SIGGRAPH and accepted contributors will work together to determine the exact needs of each installation. If specialized equipment, technology, furnishings, carpeting, or rigging is required beyond the list above, contributors may rent specialized items at a cost. If budgets allow, SIGGRAPH may be able to cover the cost of select specialized items.

Note: A 10 x 10 foot area is provided for each Immersive Pavilion contributor to demonstrate their experience. If your spatial requirements exceed this allocation, please include additional information explaining this need as space is limited. Remember that you are responsible for bringing the equipment (i.e., hardware) needed to run your demo at the conference.

Shipping of Equipment and Insuring Equipment
If your installation is accepted, you are responsible for bringing or shipping any necessary equipment to Los Angeles before the conference, and you also are responsible for the return shipment of the equipment. Some equipment may be rented at the conference.

Presenter Recognition
Contributor attendance is required to present in-person at SIGGRAPH 2023, and the contributor must register at the appropriate registration level.

You can find a link to the contributor recognition policy here.

ACM Rights Management Form
If your work is accepted for presentation at SIGGRAPH 2023, you must complete the ACM Rights Management Form. The form will be sent to all submitters whose work is accepted.

Your representative image and text may be used for promotional purposes. Several SIGGRAPH 2023 programs — Art Gallery, Art Papers, Real-Time Live!, Technical Papers, and all installation programs — will prepare preview videos for pre-conference promotion of accepted content, which may include a portion of the video you submitted for review. You may grant or deny us the ability to use the representative image and submitted video for these purposes.

ORCID Mandate
ACM now requires that all accepted contributors register and provide ACM with valid ORCID identifiers prior to publication. Corresponding contributors are responsible for collecting these ORCID identifiers from co-contributors and providing them to ACM as part of the ACM eRights selection process.

You and your co-contributors can create and register your ORCID identifier at https://orcid.org/register. ACM only requires you to complete the initial ORCID registration process. However, ACM encourages you to take the additional step to claim ownership of all of your published works via the ORCID site.

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Safety Guidelines for In-Person

HEALTH & SAFETY WARNINGS: To reduce the risk of personal injury, discomfort, or property damage, please ensure that you include any information necessary warning all users of the headset experience. These warnings might include:

  • Extreme sense of motion and balance.
  • Experiences that induce emotional stress or anxiety.
  • Flashing lights: Some people may have severe dizziness, seizures, eye or muscle twitching, or blackouts triggered by light flashes or patterns, and this may occur while they are watching TV, playing video games, or experiencing virtual reality, even if they have never had a seizure or blackout before or have no history of seizures or epilepsy. Such seizures are more common in children and young people under the age of 20. Anyone who experiences any of these symptoms should discontinue use of the headset and see a doctor. Anyone who previously has had a seizure, loss of awareness, or other symptom linked to an epileptic condition should see a doctor before using the headset.

SANITATION & SAFETY PROCEDURES: To respond to sanitation and health guidelines, we are asking contributors to consider the following:

  • Put procedures in place to wipe down any equipment that comes into contact with participants. This includes VR headsets, controllers, and any other third-party devices that require human contact.
  • Consider having secondary equipment to rotate in between use to allow for deep cleaning and sanitation.
  • Consider issuing disposable latex gloves for any participants who wish to minimize contact with equipment.
  • Please ask any participants who have any transferring contagious conditions like conjunctivitis (pink eye) or any other (particularly of the eyes, skin, or scalp) to not engage with any of the provided headsets or equipment.
  • Any equipment, including a headset, should be cleaned between each use with skin-friendly, non-alcoholic, antibacterial wipes and with a dry microfiber cloth for the lenses. The contributors are responsible for bringing the materials they will use to clean their equipment.
  • To reduce risk of electric shock, do not use any equipment that might become damaged during use in the conference (including any cables or wires that are exposed).
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22 February 2023, 22:00 UTC/GMT
Submission deadline

Early May 2023
Acceptance or rejection notices are sent to all submitters

8 May 2023
Deadline to make any changes to materials (i.e., approved title changes, contributors names, descriptions) for publication on the website.

26 May 2023
Two-page abstract deadline. If we do not receive your two-page abstract by 26 May, you will not be allowed to present at SIGGRAPH 2023.

4 August 2023
Official publication date for the ACM Digital Library.

⚠Please Note: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of your conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work. (For those rare conferences whose proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library after the conference is over, the official publication date remains the first day of the conference.)

4–5 August 2023
Setup of installation

6–10 August 2023

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