Transforming Tomorrow

Production Sessions

Industry leaders highlight the behind-the-scenes innovation, creativity, inclusion, and collaboration of recent productions to inspire the community, conversations, and content of tomorrow.

For an overview of the Production Session content that was available at SIGGRAPH 2023, please review the program listing.

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Submit To Production Sessions

With an industry built foundationally on the ingenuity and imagination of the past, the SIGGRAPH 2023 Production Sessions program looks to share the latest advances of today to continue to inspire the community, conversations, and content of tomorrow!

The SIGGRAPH 2023 Production Sessions program is now seeking stories highlighting a macro view of the behind-the-scenes innovation, creativity, inclusion, and collaboration demonstrated during recent productions. Through 60-minute presentations, leaders from across the industry will showcase their learnings and developments of art, technology, and workflows to a wide range of SIGGRAPH attendees.

We look forward to celebrating 50 years of advancements in computer graphics and interactive techniques and hope you will consider submitting your work for consideration. New this year — all SIGGRAPH 2023 Production Sessions will be held live, in person in Los Angeles!

Note: Submissions for Production Sessions are currently closed.


22 February 2023, 22:00 UTC/GMT
Submission deadline

Early May 2023
Acceptance or rejection notices are sent to all submitters.

12 May 2023
Deadline to make any changes to materials (i.e., approved session title changes, final panelists names, descriptions) for publication on the website.

6–10 August 2023

Please note, all Production Sessions will be held live, in person in Los Angeles!

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How To Submit

The Production Sessions presentations may cover a broad range of topics and project types. Consider some of these topics: a retrospective discussion, challenges in techniques and pipeline, new advances and collaborative approaches, client and cross-studio interaction, or a significant milestone/project for the company.

For SIGGRAPH 2023, the Production Sessions Jury aims to design a full program of sessions that provide high-level, behind-the-scenes insight and discussion of the methods of production for a project. Our large community benefits greatly from candid discussions about all types of productions and content. These kinds of conversations show the true character of a production and provide an honest look at the challenges faced and solutions created along the way.

In order to submit a presentation proposal for SIGGRAPH 2023, please be aware there are several elements that will be needed for a proposal. As a brief overview, the following items must be completed before the submission deadline.

  • Gather ORCID identifiers from each proposed panelist
    • NEW this year, ACM SIGGRAPH requires all involved with a submission to have an ORCID identifier number that will be included in each contributor’s details within the submission.
    • Registering for an initial ORCID identifier takes a few minutes for each person.
  • Finalize your Submission within the SIGGRAPH Submissions Portal
  • Submit the ACM Permission Release Form*
    • Once your submission is complete and submitted, you will then receive an email from with instructions for how to access the form.
    • We recommend adding to your contacts to ensure the email doesn’t end up in Spam folders!
    • *Please note, the Permissions Release Form will only be accessible AFTER you have finalized your submission on the portal.



Contributors who are required to complete their permission upon submission must provide a valid ORCID identifier upon submitting. Corresponding contributors are responsible for collecting these ORCID identifiers from co-contributors and providing them to ACM as part of the ACM eRights selection process.

You and your co-contributors can create and register your ORCID identifier at ACM only requires you to complete the initial ORCID registration process. However, ACM encourages you to take the additional step to claim ownership of all of your published works via the ORCID site. This process takes a few minutes for each person.


In order to start a submission, please log into the SIGGRAPH Submissions Portal, select the “Make a New Submission” tab, and select the Production Session form. For quick reference on the information you may need, you can preview the sample submission form.

For your submission, you must provide the following:

Production Session Description
Please provide an overview of your proposed 60-minute presentation including background information and highlights to what your speakers would share. When preparing your session description, consider information relating to the what, why, and how of your project and topics. The Production Sessions Jury reviews and considers the submitted descriptions, additional information, and materials when determining the final program for the conference.

We understand that some session details are sensitive, based on the late-breaking content you hope to share at SIGGRAPH 2023. If this is the case, please make a special note and contact the Production Sessions Chair.

Panelist Information
Please submit the appropriate professional information about your proposed speaker list. We suggest no fewer than two and no more than six panelists, with three to five speakers being the optimal panel size.

A Representative Image
Please include an image that illustrates the nature of your project. It is recommended that these be 3 x 2 in landscape ratio and at least 1,500 x 1,000 pixel resolution. If the submission is accepted, this image will be used for various public-facing promotional materials.

Supplementary Materials
Optional, but encouraged. You may choose to include a short demo reel, additional images, or other pertinent materials that may support your submission.

The ACM Rights Management Form (also known as the Permissions Release Form) is required to be signed and returned before the submission deadline. Once you complete your SIGGRAPH Portal Submission, you will receive an automated email from with instructions for how to access the form.

We recommend adding to your contacts to ensure the email doesn’t end up in Spam folders! As a reminder, the form will only be accessible AFTER you have finalized your submission on the portal.

In addition to granting permission for your content to be shown at the SIGGRAPH conference, the form gives you, as the submitter, the option to grant or deny ACM permission to do the following:

  • Record your Production Session presentation.
  • Livestream your Production Session presentation during the conference.
  • Distribute the recording of your Production Session presentation after the conference.

If you have questions about any of these options, please contact Stephen Spencer, ACM SIGGRAPH Publications Committee Chair.

The form also asks for permission to use your submission’s representative image(s), video, and text for conference promotions. If accepted to the Production Sessions program, the SIGGRAPH marketing team will pull the images and text directly from stage two of your submission form.

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A diverse panel of carefully selected professionals review content submitted to Production Sessions. The jurors are asked to evaluate submissions using five criteria: innovation, perspectives, production & visual aesthetics, interest, and submission quality. See additional detail below on the questions jurors are asked to consider when reviewing submissions.


Examples of accepted Production Sessions from past conferences can be accessed on the ACM SIGGRAPH Archives page here.


Please note, the SIGGRAPH staff and jurors treat your submission with absolute discretion.



How groundbreaking were the concepts and approaches for the production or content? Are the topics new? If already explored, do they share additional or unique developments in those areas? Does the presentation proposal incorporate stories of challenges and novel techniques, a new take to an old problem, or describe an existing method with a slightly new twist?


Is there a diversity of voices and concepts seen in the content and proposed panelists? Are the panelists limited to pioneers in the industry or are there also new voices? Will this presentation or content have an impact on the computer graphics and interactive techniques community or world at large?

Production & Visual Aesthetics

What is the overall outcome and quality of the production? What degree of complexity and collaboration was required to achieve the results of the project and/or content?


Will the proposed presentation be appealing to a broad audience at SIGGRAPH? Is it engaging and inspiring to the conference attendees?

Submission Quality

How coherent is the submission proposal overall? The proposal must effectively communicate the concepts and presentation structure in enough detail and with enough clarity and supporting materials that the jury can evaluate the submission.

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Upon Acceptance

As stated in the Timeline, results of your submission will be announced early May 2023.

In-Person Presentation
If your Production Session presentation is accepted, the Production Session contributors must:

  • Update submission information, including the final panelist names, affiliation, and emails (unique emails per panelist are required). “Stage two” in the SIGGRAPH submission portal will allow you to update information about your session and upload any final materials for inclusion on the website.
  • Register at the appropriate registration level for Production Sessions. You can find a link to the contributor recognition policy here.
  • Attend and present your work in-person at SIGGRAPH 2023 in Los Angeles.
  • Contributors should plan to present from their own personal laptops. SIGGRAPH will provide adapters needed to connect personal computers to the session projector.

We have also simplified the presentation preparation process this year! Pre-recorded video presentations are no longer required, and all presentations will be held live, in-person in Los Angeles.

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