| A Sparse Non-parametric BRDF Model | | |
| SpongeCake: A Layered Microflake Surface Appearance Model | | |
| A Practical Wave Optics Reflection Model for Hair and Fur | | |
| Microfacet Theory for Non-uniform Heightfields | | |
| Generating Procedural Materials From Text or Image Prompts | | |
| A Realistic Surface-based Cloth Rendering Model | | |
| Geometric Optimisation via Spectral Shifting | | |
| Winding Numbers on Discrete Surfaces | | |
| Flexible Isosurface Extraction for Gradient-based Mesh Optimization | | |
| Topology Driven Approximation to Rational Surface-surface Intersection via Interval Algebraic Topology Analysis | | |
| A Fast Geometric Multigrid Method for Curved Surfaces | | |
| A Convex Optimization Framework for Regularized Geodesic Distances | | |
| Anatomically Detailed Simulation of Human Torso | | |
| HACK: Learning a Parametric Head and Neck Model for High-fidelity Animation | | |
| Bidirectional GaitNet: A Bidirectional Prediction Model of Human Gait and Anatomical Conditions | | |
| Acting as Inverse Inverse Planning | | |
| PoseVocab: Learning Joint-structured Pose Embeddings for Human Avatar Modeling | | |
| DARAM: Dynamic Avatar-human Motion Remapping Technique for Realistic Virtual Stair Ascending Motions | | |
| Kiss/Crash: Using Diffusion Models to Explore Real Desire in the Shadow of Artificial Representations | Arts & Design Gaming & Interactive New Technologies Production & Animation Animation/Simulation Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Video Visual Effects | |
| Immersive Experience of Chinese Poems and Paintings | Arts & Design Production & Animation Animation/Simulation Video Virtual Reality Visual Effects | |
| Intersection of Seeing: New Ways of Experiencing Reality Using Autonomous Volumetric Capture System | Arts & Design New Technologies Research & Education Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Capture/Scanning Real-Time Virtual Reality Visual Effects | |
| GestureDiffuCLIP: Gesture Diffusion Model With CLIP Latents | | |
| Bodyformer: Semantics-guided 3D Body Gesture Synthesis With Transformer | | |
| Listen, Denoise, Action! Audio-Driven Motion Synthesis with Diffusion Models | | |
| How Important Are Detailed Hand Motions for Communication for a Virtual Character Through the Lens of Charades? | | |
| Contact Edit: Artist Tools for Intuitive Modeling of Hand-object Interactions | | |
| Synthesizing Dexterous Nonprehensile Pregrasp for Ungraspable Objects | | |
| ShapeCoder: Discovering Abstractions for Visual Programs From Unstructured Primitives | | |
| The Visual Language of Fabrics | | |
| ArrangementNet: Learning Scene Arrangements for Vectorized Indoor Scene Modeling | | |
| Juxtaform: Interactive Visual Summarization for Exploratory Shape Design | | |
| Patternshop: Editing Point Patterns by Image Manipulation | | |
| Local Deformation for Interactive Shape Editing | | |
| Eventfulness for Interactive Video Alignment | | |
| Parsing-conditioned Anime Translation: A New Dataset and Method | | |
| FactorMatte: Redefining Video Matting for Re-composition Tasks | | |
| Computational Long Exposure Mobile Photography | | |
| Zero-shot Image-to-image Translation | | |
| Key-locked Rank One Editing for Text-to-image Personalization | | |
| Sonification of a Juggling Performance Using Spatial Audio | Arts & Design Gaming & Interactive New Technologies Production & Animation Research & Education Animation/Simulation Audio/Music Augmented Reality Capture/Scanning Dynamics/Simulation Education Games Haptics Lighting Pipeline Real-Time Streaming Virtual Reality | |
| Lights! Dance! Freeze! — Exploring the Dance-musical Filmic Space Using Embodied Search in an Interactive Installation | Arts & Design Gaming & Interactive New Technologies Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Audio/Music Computer Vision Deep Learning Display Haptics Image Processing Information Visualization Real-Time Video | |
| Bodylab — In Virtuo Sculpting, Painting, and Performing of Full-body Avatars | Arts & Design Gaming & Interactive Production & Animation Adaptability Animation/Simulation Games Metaverse Modeling Real-Time Rendering Virtual Reality Visual Effects | |
| Movement Quality Visualization for Wheelchair Dance | Arts & Design New Technologies Capture/Scanning Diversity Equity & Inclusion Information Visualization Visual Effects | |
| HiGAN+: Handwriting Imitation GAN With Disentangled Representations | | |
| A Method for Animating Children's Drawings of the Human Figure | | |
| VideoDoodles: Hand-drawn Animations on Videos With Scene-aware Canvases | | |
| StripMaker: Perception-driven Learned Vector Sketch Consolidation | | |
| Semi-supervised Reference-based Sketch Extraction Using a Contrastive Learning Framework | | |
| AniFaceDrawing: Anime Portrait Exploration During Your Sketching | | |
| Rhizomorph: The Coordinated Function of Shoots and Roots | | |
| Example-based Procedural Modeling Using Graph Grammars | | |
| Large-scale Terrain Authoring Through Interactive Erosion Simulation | | |
| Forming Terrains by Glacial Erosion | | |
| Procedural Metamaterials: A Unified Procedural Graph for Metamaterial Design | | |
| UrbanBIS: A Large-scale Benchmark for Fine-grained Urban Building Instance Segmentation | | |
| Split-Lohmann Multifocal Displays | | |
| The Statistics of Eye Movements and Binocular Disparities in VR Gaming Headsets Should Drive Headset Design | | |
| Étendue Expansion in Holographic Near Eye Displays Through Sparse Eye-box Generation Using Lens Array Eyepiece | | |
| OpenMPD: A Low-level Presentation Engine for Multimodal Particle-based Displays | | |
| Perceptual Visibility Model for Temporal Contrast Changes in Periphery | | |
| Perspective-correct VR Passthrough Without Reprojection | | |
| ConTesse: Accurate Occluding Contours for Subdivision Surfaces | | |
| Differential Operators on Sketches via Alpha Contours | | |
| Min-Deviation-Flow in Bi-directed Graphs for T-Mesh Quantization | | |
| Efficient Embeddings in Exact Arithmetic | | |
| Spectral Coarsening With Hodge Laplacians | | |
| Polynomial 2D Green Coordinates for Polygonal Cages | | |
| Scratch-based Reflection Art via Differentiable Rendering | | |
| Meso-facets for Goniochromatic 3D Printing | | |
| Skin-Screen: A Computational Fabrication Framework for Color Tattoos | | |
| Orientable Dense Cyclic Infill for Anisotropic Appearance Fabrication | | |
| Stealth Shaper: Reflectivity Optimization as Surface Stylization | | |
| Gloss-aware Color Correction for 3D Printing | | |
| Recursive Control Variates for Inverse Rendering | | |
| Film Grain Rendering and Parameter Estimation | | |
| Revisiting Controlled Mixture Sampling for Rendering Applications | | |
| Inverse Global Illumination Using a Neural Radiometric Prior | | |
| Parameter-space ReSTIR for Differentiable and Inverse Rendering | | |
| Differentiable Heightfield Path Tracing With Accelerated Discontinuities | | |
| Aquaterrestrial Recolonization: AI Environmentalist Toward Design for Climate Action Related Behaviour Change | Arts & Design Gaming & Interactive New Technologies Production & Animation Research & Education Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Computer Vision Deep Learning Dynamics/Simulation | |
| Beauty: Explorations of Machine-Microbial Agencies | Arts & Design New Technologies Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Computer Vision Deep Learning Robotics | |
| Synplant: Cymatics Visualization of Plant-environment Interaction Based on Plants Biosignals | Arts & Design Gaming & Interactive New Technologies Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Audio/Music Dynamics/Simulation Information Visualization Lighting | |
| The Kestrel Drone: Reimagining Bird’s Eye View With Biomimetic AI-drone for Bird Strike Prevention | Arts & Design Gaming & Interactive New Technologies Research & Education Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Diversity Equity & Inclusion Robotics | |
| EgoLocate: Real-time Motion Capture, Localization, and Mapping With Sparse Body-mounted Sensors | | |
| Differential Frequency Heterodyne Time-of-flight Imaging for Instantaneous Depth and Velocity Estimation | | |
| MoiréTag: Angular Measurement and Tracking With a Passive Marker | | |
| Toward Optimized VR/AR Ergonomics: Modeling and Predicting User Neck Muscle Contraction | | |
| In the Blink of an Eye: Event-based Emotion Recognition | | |
| Towards Attention–Aware Foveated Rendering | | |
| Deep Appearance Prefiltering | | |
| Neural Prefiltering for Correlation-aware Levels of Detail | | |
| Neural Parametric Mixtures for Path Guiding | | |
| Focal Path Guiding for Light Transport Simulation | | |
| Progressive Null-tracking for Volumetric Rendering | | |
| Denoising-aware Adaptive Sampling for Monte Carlo Ray Tracing | | |
| Complex Wrinkle Field Evolution | | |
| Computational Exploration of Multistable Elastic Knots | | |
| Sag-free Initialization for Strand-based Hybrid Hair Simulation | | |
| CT2Hair: High-fidelity 3D Hair Modeling Using Computed Tomography | | |
| Interactive Hair Simulation on the GPU Using ADMM | Not Livestreamed Not Recorded | |
| Multi-layer Thick Shells | | |
| Communing With Creative AI | Arts & Design New Technologies Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning | |
| Using Experimental Filmmaking to Create an Engaging Brain-Computer Interface | | |
| Fine Motor Skills: Operating Standard Robotic Fabrication as a Generative System | | |
| Trim Regions for Online Computation of From-Region Potentially Visible Sets | | |
| Potentially Visible Hidden-volume Rendering for Multi-view Warping | | |
| Effect-based Multi-viewer Caching for Cloud-native Rendering | | |
| Random-access Neural Compression of Material Textures | | |
| MERF: Memory-Efficient Radiance Fields for Real-time View Synthesis in Unbounded Scenes | | |
| An Extensible, Data-oriented Architecture for High-performance, Many-world Simulation | | |
| Locally Attentional SDF Diffusion for Controllable 3D Shape Generation | | |
| 3DShape2VecSet: A 3D Shape Representation for Neural Fields and Generative Diffusion Models | | |
| Adaptive Local Basis Functions for Shape Completion | | |
| Iterative alpha-(de)Blending: A Minimalist Deterministic Diffusion Model | | |
| Modulating Pretrained Diffusion Models for Multimodal Image Synthesis | | |
| COFS COntrolable Furniture Layout Synthesis | | |
| Coupling Conduction, Convection, and Radiative Transfer in a Single Path-space: Application to Infrared Rendering | | |
| Walk on Stars: A Grid-free Monte Carlo Method for PDEs With Neumann Boundary Conditions | | |
| A Practical Walk-on-Boundary Method for Boundary Value Problems | | |
| Boundary Value Caching for Walk on Spheres | | |
| Generalizing Shallow Water Simulations With Dispersive Surface Waves | | |
| Beyond Chainmail: Computational Modeling of Discrete Interlocking Materials | | |
| Composite Motion Learning With Task Control | | |
| Example-based Motion Synthesis via Generative Motion Matching | | |
| Learning Physically Simulated Tennis Skills From Broadcast Videos | | |
| DOC: Differentiable Optimal Control for Retargeting Motions Onto Legged Robots | | |
| CALM: Conditional Adversarial Latent Models for Directable Virtual Characters | | |
| RSMT: Real-time Stylized Motion Transition for Characters | | |
| Image Vectorization and Editing via Linear Gradient Layer Decomposition | | |
| ColorfulCurves: Palette-aware Lightness Control and Color Editing via Sparse Optimization | | |
| Seeing Photons in Color | | |
| Guided Linear Upsampling | | |
| Language-based Photo Color Adjustment for Graphic Designs | | |
| Algebraic Smooth Occluding Contours | | |
| Computing the Singularities of Rational Parametric Surfaces Using Moving Planes | | |
| Differentiable Stripe Patterns for Inverse Design of Structured Surfaces | | |
| Deployable Strip Structures | | |
| B-rep Matching for Collaborating Across CAD Systems | | |
| ∇-Prox: Differentiable Proximal Algorithm Modeling for Large-scale Optimization | | |
| Data-driven Digital Lighting Design for Residential Indoor Spaces | | |
| A Full-wave Reference Simulator for Computing Surface Reflectance | | |
| Pyramid Texture Filtering | | |
| Textured Mesh Quality Assessment: Large-scale Dataset and Deep Learning-based Quality Metric | | |
| NeuSample: Importance Sampling for Neural Materials | | |
| Metameric: Spectral Uplifting via Controllable Color Constraints | | |
| NeRF-Texture: Texture Synthesis With Neural Radiance Fields | | |
| Fast Complementary Dynamics via Skinning Eigenmodes | | |
| Motion From Shape Change | | |
| A Sparse Distributed Gigascale Resolution Material Point Method | | |
| Second-order Stencil Descent for Interior-point Hyperelasticity | | |
| Nonlinear Compliant Modes for Large-deformation Analysis of Flexible Structures | | |
| Data-free Learning of Reduced-order Kinematics | | |
| Globally Consistent Normal Orientation for Point Clouds by Regularizing the Winding-number Field | | |
| Surface Reconstruction From Point Clouds Without Normals by Parametrizing the Gauss Formula | | |
| Restricted Delaunay Triangulation for Explicit Surface Reconstruction | | |
| Locally Meshable Frame Fields | | |
| Surface and Edge Detection for Primitive Fitting of Point Clouds | | |
| Variational Shape Reconstruction via Quadric Error Metrics | | |
| Surface Simplification Using Intrinsic Error Metrics | | |
| Robust Low-poly Meshing for General 3D Models | | |
| Evolutionary Piecewise Developable Approximations | | |
| Micro-Mesh Construction | | |
| Somigliana Coordinates: An Elasticity-derived Approach for Cage Deformation | | |
| Mesh Density Adaptation for Template-based Shape Reconstruction | | |
| Constraint-based Simulation of Passive Suction Cups | | |
| Masonry Shell Structures With Discrete Equivalence Classes | | |
| Generative Design of Sheet Metal Structures | | |
| Inkjet 4D Print: Self-folding Tessellated Origami Objects by Inkjet UV Printing | | |
| MesoGen: Designing Procedural On-surface Stranded Mesostructures | | |
| Constructing Printable Surfaces With View-dependent Appearance | | |
| Neural Volumetric Reconstruction for Coherent Synthetic Aperture Sonar | | |
| NeRO: Neural Geometry and BRDF Reconstruction of Reflective Objects From Multiview Images | | |
| BakedSDF: Meshing Neural SDFs for Real-time View Synthesis | | |
| AvatarMAV: Fast 3D Head Avatar Reconstruction Using Motion-aware Neural Voxels | | |
| Deep SVBRDF Estimation From Single Image Under Learned Planar Lighting | | |
| PhotoMat: A Material Generator Learned From Single Flash Photos | | |
| A Contact Proxy Splitting Method for Lagrangian Solid-fluid Coupling | | |
| Fluid-solid Coupling in Kinetic Two-phase Flow Simulation | | |
| PolyStokes: A Polynomial Model Reduction Method for Viscous Fluid Simulation | | |
| Building a Virtual Weakly-compressible Wind Tunnel Testing Facility | | |
| Fluid Cohomology | | |
| Improved Water Sound Synthesis Using Coupled Bubbles | | |
| Galaxy Maps: Localized Foliations for Bijective Volumetric Mapping | | |
| Symmetric Volume Maps: Order-invariant Volumetric Mesh Correspondence With Free Boundary | | |
| Variational Quasi-harmonic Maps for Computing Diffeomorphisms | | |
| Expansion Cones: A Progressive Volumetric Mapping Framework | | |
| Unsupervised Learning of Robust Spectral Shape Matching | | |
| An Elastic Basis for Spectral Shape Correspondence | | |
| ETER: Elastic Tessellation for Real-time Pixel-accurate Rendering of Large-scale NURBS Models | | |
| Temporal Set Inversion for Animated Implicits | | |
| Real-time Radiance Fields for Single-image Portrait View Synthesis | | |
| Kernel-based Frame Interpolation for Spatio-temporally Adaptive Rendering | Not Livestreamed Not Recorded | |
| Neural Partitioning Pyramids for Denoising Monte Carlo Renderings | | |
| Deep Real-time Volumetric Rendering Using Multi-feature Fusion | | |
| UniTune: Text-driven Image Editing by Fine Tuning a Diffusion Model on a Single Image | | |
| TEXTure: Text-guided Texturing of 3D Shapes | | |
| Sketch-guided Text-to-image Diffusion Models | | |
| FashionTex: Controllable Virtual Try-on With Text and Texture | | |
| CLIP-PAE: Projection-Augmentation Embedding to Extract Relevant Features for a Disentangled, Interpretable and Controllable Text-Guided Face Manipulation | | |
| Generating Activity Snippets by Learning Human-scene Interactions | | |
| GREIL-Crowds: Crowd Simulation With Deep Reinforcement Learning and Examples | | |
| QuestEnvSim: Environment-aware Simulated Motion Tracking From Sparse Sensor Input | | |
| Synthesizing Physical Character-scene Interactions | | |
| PMP: Learning to Physically Interact With Environments Using Part-wise Motion Priors | | |
| Simulation and Retargeting of Complex Multi-character Interactions | | |
| 3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-time Radiance Field Rendering | | |
| Virtual Mirrors: Non-line-of-sight Imaging Beyond the Third Bounce | | |
| ViP-NeRF: Visibility Prior for Sparse Input Neural Radiance Fields | | |
| Nerfstudio: A Modular Framework for Neural Radiance Field Development | | |
| Relighting Neural Radiance Fields With Shadow and Highlight Hints | | |
| DE-NeRF: DEcoupled Neural Radiance Fields for View-consistent Appearance Editing and High-frequency Environmental Relighting | | |
| Dense, Interlocking-free and Scalable Spectral Packing of Generic 3D Objects | | |
| PCBend: Light Up Your 3D Shapes With Foldable Circuit Boards | | |
| As-continuous-as-possible Extrusion-based Fabrication of Surface Models | | |
| Semantics and Scheduling for Machine Knitting Compilers | | |
| A Temporal Coherent Topology Optimization Approach for Assembly Planning of Bespoke Frame Structures | | |
| Helix-free Stripes for Knit Graph Design | | |
| DreamFace: Progressive Generation of Animatable 3D Faces Under Text Guidance | | |
| Efficient Video Portrait Reenactment via Grid-based Codebook | | |
| StyleAvatar: Real-time Photo-realistic Neural Portrait Avatar From a Single Video | | |
| Neural Face Rigging for Animating and Retargeting Facial Meshes in the Wild | | |
| A Hybrid Generator Architecture for Controllable Face Synthesis | | |
| ClipFace: Text-guided Editing of Textured 3D Morphable Models | | |
| OctFormer: Octree-based Transformers for 3D Point Clouds | | |
| Dictionary Fields: Learning a Neural Basis Decomposition | | |
| ScanBot: Autonomous Reconstruction via Deep Reinforcement Learning | | |
| TextDeformer: Geometry Manipulation Using Text Guidance | | |
| Single-shot Implicit Morphable Faces With Consistent Texture Parameterization | | |
| Neural Progressive Meshes | | |
| In-Timestep Remeshing for Contacting Elastodynamics | | |
| Shortest Path to Boundary for Self-intersecting Meshes | | |
| P2M: A Fast Solver for Querying Distance From Point to Mesh Surface | | |
| Fast GPU-based Two-way Continuous Collision Handling | | |
| Sum-of-squares Collision Detection for Curved Shapes and Paths | | |
| High-order Incremental Potential Contact for Elastodynamic Simulation on Curved Meshes | | |
| Ultra-high Resolution SVBRDF Recovery From a Single Image | | |
| Towards Material Digitization With a Dual-scale Optical System | | |
| End-to-end Procedural Material Capture With Proxy-free Mixed-integer Optimization | | |
| Materialistic: Selecting Similar Materials in Images | | |
| Single Image Neural Material Relighting | | |
| Neural Biplane Representation for BTF Rendering and Acquisition | | |
| Attend-and-Excite: Attention-based Semantic Guidance for Text-to-image Diffusion Models | | |
| Blended Latent Diffusion | Not Livestreamed Not Recorded | |
| Encoder-based Domain Tuning for Fast Personalization of Text-to-image Models | | |
| Word-as-image for Semantic Typography | | |
| Drag Your GAN: Interactive Point-based Manipulation on the Generative Image Manifold | | |
| Diffusion Image Analogies | | |
| AvatarReX: Real-time Expressive Full-body Avatars | | |
| SketchFaceNeRF: Sketch-based Facial Generation and Editing in Neural Radiance Fields | | |
| HumanRF: High-fidelity Neural Radiance Fields for Humans in Motion | | |
| NeRSemble: Multi-view Radiance Field Reconstruction of Human Heads | | |
| NOFA: NeRF-based One-shot Facial Avatar Reconstruction | | |
| LatentAvatar: Learning Latent Expression Code for Expressive Neural Head Avatar | | |